Sharon Rich, former President of the Georgia Women’s Bowling Association and Hall Of Fame Member, passed away on Monday 9-19-2022. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at 2:00 on 9-24-2022 at the Pinecrest Baptist Church in Gainesville, Ga.
Super Senior Allstars
Congratulations to Bobby Gosha from Columbus for winning the 2020 GA State USBC Super Senior All-Star Singles Championship. Also, congratulations to Northwest Georgia #1 for winning the Team Championship.
Senior Allstars, Queens and Senior Queens
Congratulations to Tyrone Stevens on winning the 2020 Senior All-Star Singles Championship. Also, congratulations to August on winning the Team Championship.
Congratulations to Courtney Jacques for winning the 2020 Ga State USBC Queens and Karen Cearley for winning the 2020 Senior Queens.
Georgia Youth
Our Georgia Youth are really shining. On Sept 15 in the Youth Leaders Tournament, Patrick Odom from Middle Geoggia rolled a 300 game in the rolloff. On the 1st saturday of League in Valdosta, Dalton Rumph bowled a 300 Game. Way to go Georgia Youth Bowlers.
The volunteers of the Georgia Youth Bowlers Tour (GYBT) are proud to announce a sponsor for the 2019-2020 season, Storm Bowling.
Storm Bowling will provide support to all season long by giving GYBT a certificate good for a free bowling ball at each tournament this season. The certificate is good for ANY current Storm bowling ball. GYBT will use these certificates to develop the scholarship pool through raffles at each of the seasons’ events. Storm Bowling is also providing additional support to GYBT by providing the volunteers with apparel and a welcome banner.
Based in Utah, Storm Bowling is a premier manufacturer of bowling balls and accessories for the sport of bowling. Their athlete roster includes many of the best athletes in the sport, including Jason Belmonte, Liz Johnson, Pete Weber and Kelly Kulick, just to name a few. Storm also operates a series of national caliber tournaments around the country through their Storm Youth Championships (SYC) events.
The Georgia Youth Bowlers tour has been running Junior Gold qualifying tournaments for over 10 years. With the mission of providing qualifying opportunities and preparing athletes for Junior Gold, they advance over 100 athletes a year to the national event through their 12+ events. A non-profit, all volunteer organization, they also award over $10,000 in SMART scholarships to their athletes each season.
For more information…
Georgia Youth Bowlers Tour:
Storm bowling:
Storm Youth Championships:
Two of our Georgia Bowlers place in the National Senior Championships in Cincinnati.
Willie Roy Beverly from Waycross placed 4th in the Open 55-59 Division.
Mary Ann Compton from Grantville placed 1st in the Women’s 75+ Division.
Two bowlers qualified for Jr Team USA
Annalise O’Bryant from Ball Ground has repeated her Junior Gold Championship in the U15 division in Detroit, MI.

- Annalise O’Bryant from Ball Ground (U15 division)
- Peyton Smith from Loganville (U20 Division)